1. Digital literacy is the ability to not only use but comprehend the tools that you are using. Understanding and connecting with them.
2) I would say I'm fairly digitally literate, but there are always aspects I can improve on throughout my life.
3) I believe that adults should trust us to create our own educational path. We are in that point of our lives where we should makes decisions on our own and do whatever we want to do as a career. Parents can help guide us to that path but should trust us to create our own.
A) Digital Literacy is the ability to understand and use information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented via computers.
B) I would say that I am digitally literate because I am able to use computers to get my information and take the important parts from the huge variety we are presented on the internet. When in need of something specific, I am confident that I will be able to find my information on the computer.
C) Adults should trust us to create our own educational paths, because if we are able to that, we will create a path that is interesting for us. If there are some guidelines that students must follow, they will stay in those guidelines but do whatever they actually want to do. They will be motivated to actually want to learn and will be more likely to stay on top of their work. Times are different from when they were growing up and innovation is a key to what keeps our society moving on. This would be innovation by letting students use technology in a way too help themselves learn.
4) My vision of the digital future is that technology will take over the way students learn. I think that homework will be done online, then eventually classwork will be done online and technology will continue to take over the classroom. My place in this vision, is that I was apart of the first class that did a majority of their homework online. With the blogs, we have done something that no class has really done before and this should be revolutionary for classes to come. I'm glad that I could be apart of it.
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